Hara – the strength from your center


7th – 10th of June 2018
Istituto Osho Miasto, Italy

We connect to the Hara center in the belly, the place of being. Here we can find the source of the universal life force.

Here body, mind and spirit can become aligned and recharged with cosmic energy.

We learn to reconnect with a healthy energy flow in the belly and support it in its ability to regulate stress.


  • Working with the balance of the three levels of the human being: thinking, feeling and being, which are represented in the belly
  • conscious touch and sensing the movement of ki – life energy
  • learning how to balance energetic fullness and emptiness in the belly
  • the imbalance of energy in the belly related to stress and activation of the nervous system
  • opening the natural belly breathing in a deep state of relaxation
  • connecting to the center
  • Hara Awareness® Massage on belly, spine and pelvis and legs for grounding
  • Katsugen Undo: using the regenerative spontaneous movements of the body to bring balance and integration

7th at 10:00 -10th of June 2018

The training is held in English with live translation into Italian in Osho Miasto, Tuscanny, Italy.
Each part can be booked separately
For further information please write to:
or contact us directly


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