Inner Healer – Katsugen Undo

23. Sep 2016 - 25. Sep 2016

There lies within us a source of abundant and self-regulating energy, the Centre, which we are normally unable to trust, being so identified with our controlling minds. It flourishes only in trust and let-go, and from it arises all creativity and inspiration.
This energy can be released through spontaneous movements of the body, taken from the Japanese technique‘ Katsugen Undo, „movements from within“, which bring the whole organism into balance, so that body mind and soul fall into their natural harmony.
Practicing the movements releases deep tensions in the spinal column and diaphragm. Special breathing exercises are used to support the let-go and to trust in the experience. Held feelings of past experiences locked in deep tensions in the back and nervous system may be transformed, allowing space to encounter the Here and Now, and to experience the ecstasy and silence of the Centre.
In addition to the spontaneous movements, Hara breathing, body opening and integrating exercises, and guided meditations will be used to enhance the whole process.

Osho Miasto is a very beautiful place situated in a hillside nature reservoire with lush nature in the heart of Tuscanny, Italy and with best Italian vegetarian, „dolce vita“ food. Prolongation of the stay for holidays and individual meditations is possible by availability and  needs to be booked in advance.

This Seminar is conducted in English with translation into Italian. Translation into German is available on demand  for a small fee. Please book in advance.

The Seminar starts at 10 o’clock at the first day.

Inner Healer – Katsugen Undo

23. Sep 2016 - 25. Sep 2016

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